Monday, January 25, 2021

Android 12 Updates: It could Bring Double Tap on Back Gesture Feature

Android 12 Updates: It could Bring Double Tap on Back Gesture Feature

If things go well, Android 12 will release this year. According to the latest updates, Android 12 might bring a double tap on back gesture support, which was going to come in Android 11 OS. The double-tap feature lets the Pixel users summon Google Assistant, and can also use for different tasks.

Android 12 Might Bring Double-Tap on Back Gesture

Android 12 Updates: It could Bring Double Tap on Back Gesture Feature

At the time of the developer preview of the Android 11, a double tap on the back of the phone gesture was seen. However, the feature did not come in the official version of Android 11.

The double-tap on the back opens the Google Assistant, play media, dismiss timer, or snoozing an alarm. Now it looks like this feature will be a part of the new software, but still, there is no statement given by Google. But, few of the leaks have revealed that the feature codenamed “Columbus” will be a part of Android 12. It is still not clear, whether the feature will be available for all phones or will be only for Pixel phones.

According to the reports, the double-tap feature was announced to replace the Edge squeeze-action on Pixel 4 phones, which was not there for Pixel models and was discovered to work properly. There might be some glitches that need to be fixed to make the feature work perfect.

Now, it looks like all the changes have been made and the double-tap feature can be activated with a firm on the back of the phone. If you are not interested to use the feature, then you can disable it.

We might see the developer preview of Android 12 in February. The update might also include Wi-fi sharing as a new feature.

If you don’t know, a back tap feature is already available in iOS 14, it allows to take a screenshot, open Control Center, and more.

The post Android 12 Updates: It could Bring Double Tap on Back Gesture Feature appeared first on TechViral.

from TechViral

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