Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It goes without saying that entrepreneurs know the significance of search engine optimization, and how to heighten their Google search rankings. Right? Or is SEO a foreign language that you haven�t fairly mastered?

Google Pagerank is decisive to a business�s success in this digital era. Instead of letting your Google rank get you down, never fail to apply these tips from a group of flourishing, young entrepreneurs in order to enhance your company�s SEO results.

1. Create Evergreen Content

You�ll want your content to take the top niches for your name and assorted keywords and phrases, so you�ll want to have premium, dependable content. The best way to ensure your content is seen this way is creating content that is forever functional, not merely trendy and disposable.

2. Audit Your Online Profiles

Take a few minutes to login to all of your company�s online profiles. The incoming links from these profiles may not ponder too much in Google�s baffling algorithm, but you�ll be astonished what it can do if you have too much a handful of accounts online.

3. Think Like Your Customer Types

Think about what your target clients and customers may be typing into Google, and then discover if your guess is right by searching in Google�s free Keyword Tool. Then write content just about these keywords and learn to optimize.

4. Hire an Expert

It is ideal to hire a search engine optimization company or freelance specialist to build up an effective plan to improve your rankings. Look for individuals or companies with established track records, and observe their bi-weekly reports strictly.

5. Guest Post

Start guest posting on heaps of pertinent blogs. Blogs love new content, and for you it�s a great means to build links, which will enhance your rankings on Google.

6. Content is King and Links are Queen

Yes, creating good content is very essential to make your business rank on top of Google. But links are even more significant. Google loves links, principally those from other related, authority websites.

7. Bust Out the Camera

Video is such a titanic thing nowadays for business owners. Not only does it give your company character, but it can also be extended across networks while linking back to your site. Create immense videos filled with information people can distribute and then do again.

8. Colleges and Universities

The biggest SEO secret is that when .edu sites are linked to your website. It gives you a much higher Google ranking. Contact college and universities and find an explanation for them to link to your site.

9. Update Your Site Frequently

The more frequent you update your site, the more essential Google thinks it is. With every blog post, you have an additional chance at ranking for new search terms, so every article increases the chances of your site being found.

10. Use the Right Keywords

Two effective ways of escalating your SEO rank are keyword analysis and tagging articles. You want to ensure your headlines are eloquent. Choose keywords that people are going to be looking for.

11. Move Away From Flash

Many small businesses use Flash for their sites for the reason that it�s simple to launch, looks good and is quite cheap. While the sites might look respectable, they actually rank poorly in Google (with no tricks done). Change your Flash-based site to WordPress or any other platform, and you�ll boost the search engine rankings.

12. Have You Taken Advantage of Local Search?

Go claim your business listings at once! There has been a huge jump in traffic for businesses by merely claiming and filling out all the fields on local profiles. The future of search is tailored local results, and these important profiles are often overlooked.

13. Know Exactly What Words People Use to Search

The biggest blunder people make in attempting to rank high in Google is having no clue what people are really typing into search engines to find you. Determine what these words are and use them for an effective SEO.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Directory list with PR updated September 2012

Directory list with PR 1 morf

Thursday, September 20, 2012

.EDU Backlink | Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Dofollow Gratis

Backlink .EDU sekarang ini masih menjadi incaran bagi para blogger untuk menaikkan ranking situs/blog mereka, tapi kadang-kadang kita merasa kesulitan bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink EDU gratis dan berkualitas, disini saya akan mencoba kasi tips SEO mencari backlinks dofollow gratis.

.EDU Backlink | Cara Mendapatkan Backlink EDU Dofollow Gratis

.EDU adalah sebuah domain yang khusus dimiliki oleh institusi pendidikan seperti universitas, sekolah maupun situs pendidikan lainnya, umumnya .EDU biasanya dipakai oleh universitas luar negeri tetapi kalau di Indonesia umumnya memakai domain , Pada umumnya situs yang memakai domain .EDU mempunyai Google pagerank tinggi yang bagus dan sangat cepat terindex search engine maka tidak ada salahnya kita menanam backlink di situs .EDU tersebut agar blog kita juga kecipratan high PR dan terindex cepat

Cara Mencari Backlinks .EDU Gratis Berkualitas dengan Google Search

Untuk mencari backlinks .EDU ternyata memang tidak semudah yang kita pikirkan tetapi dengan sedikit trik menggunakan mesin pencari Google ini kita akan sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan ribuan blog .EDU maupun forum yang memungkinkan kita untuk meninggalkan komentar atau membuat profile gratis.

Backlinks dari .EDU Blogs

Silahkan buka Google search dan ketik query seperti dibawah ini.

  • inurl:blog "post a comment"
  • "Powered by BlogEngine.NET" inurl:blog "post a comment"
  • "Powered by ExpressionEngine" inurl:blog "post a comment"
  • inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in"

Backlinks dari .EDU Forum Profile

Silahkan ketik dan search query seperti dibawah ini.

  • "Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"register"
  • "Powered by phpBB" inurl:"register"
  • "Powered by PunBB" inurl:"register"
  • "Powered by SMF" inurl:"register"
  • "Powered by IPB" inurl:"register"
  • inurl:CreateUser.aspx
  • inurl:register.aspx
  • inurl:"wp-signup.php"
  • "powered by expressionengine"
  • "powered by vbulletin" inurl:"register.php"
  • "leave a comment"
  • "reply to post"

Targeted keyword backlinks .EDU

Untuk mencari backlink dengan keyword yang diinginkan silahkan ganti kata yang di cetak tebal dengan keyword anda inurl:blog �post a comment -"you must be logged in"-"comments closed""keyword anda"

Untuk lebih optimal ada baiknya menggunakan Nodofollow Firefox Add-ons sehingga akan kelihatan blog mana yang menyediakan dofollow links atupun nofollow

Selamat berburu backlinks .EDU dan good luck!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Place Well on Google after Panda / Penguin Era

There is no magic wand, no secret recipe, or for that matter special protocol you should follow or buy to have your website appear in the top unpaid search results on Google. In fact, do too much of optimization for placement and you�ll run right into Google�s �over optimization� filter and be dropped back as much as 50 to 100 pages in the search results.

So what is a website owner to do? First off, the bottom-line is you can�t scam or buy your way to top placement on In this new world of post Panda and Penguin algorithm updates, it is readable natural content that Google wants; no keyword dense content, no heavy use of keyword phrases in the heading and subheading tags, and certainly no aggressive link building strategies.

Matt Cutts, the Google representative, says this about organic placement:

�Key phrases don�t have to be in their original form. We do a lot of synonym work so that we can find good pages that don�t happen to use the same words as the user typed.�

�People can overdo it [using meta tags and headings that are keyword dense] to the point that we consider it keyword stuffing, and it hurts. I would just make sure you do it in natural ways where regular people aren�t going to find it stiff or artificial. That tends to be what works best.�

�Never sacrifice the quality of your copy for the sake of the search engines. It�s just not necessary. The next time you write a new page of copy, test this approach to writing for the engines and see if you get as good (or better) results than before. I�m betting you�ll be pleasantly surprised.�

Twitter and Google+ Are Important

Because Google+ is a Google tool and is being integrated into every Google property, to not be actively be involved in Google+ and +1's, which are part of Google�s new placement focus, is a missed opportunity.
Twitter links and activity are indexed and shown in Google�s search results unlike those of Facebook. If you have to choose a social network to be involved within this new world, choose Twitter over Facebook!

Why is Google+ So Important?

Based on this new focus for Google, you need to start flowing through search and social activity into your Google+ and +1 bank. If you don�t have accounts, Google can�t tie the activity to you specifically.

Let�s Talk About What Google+ and +1's Are

Google+ is a social platform. It is not like Facebook but more like Facebook and Twitter combined. However, it is much more important than any of the social networks we know and use now.

You could consider Google+ like a voting and popularity network but one that has the ear of Google. Anything you do on Google+ will most certainly impact your website�s organic placement and Web Visibility in the future. Google has said as much in their releases. Google has additionally stated that it will be showing social results from your Google+ network in their personalized search results.

What this means is that for people and businesses that embrace Google+ early and start building their network now, there will be strong benefits for their updates and links. This activity will be shown in your own personal and expanded network�s search/social results.

+1's are Google�s version of votes. If you like a page, like an ad, like a blog post, like a Google+ comment, you vote it up using a +1. What is crucial to understand is that a +1 is tied to your Google+ activity. These +1 votes will impact your visibility and placement on Google in the new Google Search Plus Your World results.

Google Search Plus Your World Is the New Face of Google

In mid January, Google rolled out an important change to their search index. They named it Google Search Plus Your World. In my industry we call it Search Plus. Google stated that they will be using activity, updates, Google+ activity, and +1 activity in the search results that they deliver to your personally and to those in your Google+ network.

What is interesting is that even if you are logged out of your Google account, Google is still tracking your activity. Of additional importance is the announcement that the social related results that will be shown in the index are personally selected for you and WILL contain Google+ activity across your Google+ social network.

That means if you start building your network now, your information and website could be appearing in search results for a very broad network of readers and potential prospects. As this activity comes from your personal network, just like a word-of-mouth referral, links to you and your profile will most likely carry more authority and legitimacy in the eyes of potential clients. Everyone weights a reference by a friend about a business more than a written review found randomly on the Web. This will be the real impact of Google+ and +1's in the very near future.

Why Is This So Important?

All of the information in this newsletter is important because the business that is driving these changes is Google. Because Google owns 65% of the online search market, to be positioned well on Google means taking full advantage of what Google considers important.

It is critical you understand that Google+ is not Facebook. Google considers Google+ and +1's integral to it�s new face of search and how search results are shaped and delivered. These new Google offerings are very important and should be embraced quickly and completely for your future organic placement benefit.

Placement is More Than Twitter and Google+ � There Are Still Links to Factor In

Sorry, you can�t just stop with Twitter and Google+ and think that you�ll garner organic placement, you�ve got to think about links too. But smart links! For most clients the easiest way to build links naturally (that is important to Google) over time is by blogging. Google considers each blog post as if it were a new page on your website � but a page that is on one topic � and so may easily place in the search results for that topic.

If the page gets indexed, it can lead readers from your blog right into your website and can even improve the stickiness of your website. There is no downside, in my point of view, with blogging. It is not unusual for a website that blogs three days a week to build 156 new website pages and grow links to over thousand in a year.


I want to reiterate that there is no magic formula to getting organic search placement on Google.

What I do know is that Google likes content-rich authority websites that have a large number of pages and have an older established domain name.

Google likes a natural slow progression of links pointing to a website and blogging works great for growing these inbound links slowly.

Google likes social exchange through Twitter and tweets are included in Google�s search index.

Google loves Google+ and Google +1 activity. In fact so much so, that there is a special section in your site�s Google Webmaster control panel where Google tracks these and even shows the search impact.

The bottom-line is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow and build organic search placement, but there are still some very smart things you can do if you follow what Google considers important.

The Benefits of Directory Submissions :SEO

The Benefits of Directory Submissions

Here�s a quick summary of the benefits of submitting your links to web directories:

Directory submissions give you one-way links

Search engines give importance to the number of inbound links to your site and from web directories you get one-way inbound links. Web directories, while including your links, don�t expect you to put their link on your website. Search engines discourage link-exchange tactics but they consider one-way inbound links with high regard.

Directory submissions allow the anchor text of your choice

When you submit your links to web directories they allow you to enter a site title (site title is different from the URL) that can contain your keywords. This generates SEO anchor text for you and this helps you improve your search engine rankings.

Directory submissions are mostly free

Yes, you don�t have to pay for most of the web directory submissions. There are some highly professional web directories that charge a high premium for adding your links but their number is miniscule compared to free directories.

Directory submissions send you targeted traffic
The organization of web directories make people find the right links under the right categories. Even if you, inadvertently of course, submit your link under a wrong category, there is a great possibility that the human editor will place your link under the correct category.

So you see there are overwhelming reasons to submit your links to the various web directories. You should either do it yourself or assign the task that does directory submissions professionally � it�s worth the cost.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How Many Emails Can You Send At One Time From Gmail?

How Many Emails Can You Send At One Time From Gmail? � How to solve the 550 5.4.5 Daily sending quota exceeded problem?

As an effort to prevent spammers from misusing Gmail, Google has put a max cap on the number of emails you can send from one account, from one IP.

If you are using web based GMail interface, then, the max cap is 500 emails. What ever combination you use, you�ll not be allowed to send more than 500 emails with in a time span of 24 hours.

Note: Link ex-changers keep this in mind..!!

Page Rank Meaning?

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page's importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page's PageRank is calculated. 

PageRank is Google's way of deciding a page's importance. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines a page's ranking in the search results. It isn't the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is an important one.

Free Facebook Likes

       How  To Get More Facebook Likes


Making use of the Facebook Like button


The Facebook Like option is set of value that can be placed onto almost any website.  Facebook like option lets those who visit your website quickly discuss your website's content and share with their friends in facebook.As soon as one of your web website's visitors clicks the Facebook Like option a post is published and link that guides them back to your website.  This is a great user motivated website marketing tool.  They will only click on it if they find it exciting enough to discuss with their �Like� buddies.

Create Facebook Page

Facebookpage is an excellent strategy to market your internet business. With web page application you can create a page for your website and complete it with plenty of added areas. People can sign up and become fan of your facebook page, and can take part in conversations, tagging,image uploading,groups and and many more.

Free Facebook Likes
Free Facebook Likes

  Fan Pages

Set facebook fanpage name as your keyword and use fresh image and cover photo on your facebook.You can make pages for your business or website on facebook and then enhance those webpages among your buddies and friends. This is also a standard function that is offered by facebook. You can have fans for your webpages. Companies and sites can show their information and work information and discuss newest information and business's newest up-dates with the fans.

Make a Facebook Group

Select a appropriate team title, and add a brief description of what your web page is all about. In group set up there is a �Recent News� box. Publish a suitable image for your group.  This may be your logo or marketing banner which hopefully you will already have at your disposal. You can personally choose all of your current Facebook friends which may take you up to few moments based on how many friends you have, but it is definitely value it.  It is strongly suggested that you select to add a �Personal Message� to encourage your family and friends.

Make use of @ symbol

Make use of @ symbol on facebook is one of the best methods of allowing others know about your web page within your own circle or anywhere that you leave a comment.

Make use of social media sites

Share your posts on social profiles like twitter, LinkedIn and Google plus.


Facebook Events help you connect with your potential viewers and encourage them for your events, even if they are your friends. Events are designed independently. The Facebook gives you a option between making the occasion private and Personal.